Monday, May 18, 2015

Returning To The Pen

I feel I owe you all an apology for being gone for so long.  Life happened.  That's all the excuse I can offer that doesn't make me sound like I'd abandoned my writing like a neglectful parent abandoning his kid in a car seat... for years...  But now that I'm back at the keyboard, my fingers shuffling along at a moderate yet familiar pace, I'm hoping muscle memory will return my creativity to its former glory, newly expanded by life's experiences.


I know getting back on the cliched bicycle won't be easy, but if it were easy we'd all be best sellers.  My new writing schedule begins this week, and has me diligently working on new literary pieces of fiction that will hopefully allow me to regain some trust with my fans - because there's not many of you and I love you all please don't leave me - along with new blog entries every Monday to let you know how my game is going.  That's right, we still game.  Every week.

"Vin Diesel still plays D&D, your argument is invalid."

What exactly am I working on?  You mean aside from a certain fiery redhead that people have been asking for?  Oh it's way too early for me to say.  I just wanted to let you all know that I'm back, in earnest, with my heart set on sharing my stories and a mug of coffee at the ready.

A huge thank you to everyone who picked up a copy of my book.  Your responses were overwhelming and continue to surprise me and humble me.  70+ reviews on Amazon (as of today) for an unknown first-time self-published author?  That's unheard of!  You're all awesome, and you've inspired me to get back to the keyboard and finish what I started.  I look forward to sharing my next adventure with you!

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